Free Software Page

Here I have added downloads for all of my free Windows software. If anyone feels like contributing to keep these applications coming, please do so.

INSTALLATION FOR ALL PROGRAMS: Place the contents of the ZIP file into a new folder then run from there. Several other files may appear in that folder when you first run the application. Some applications place files into your Temp folder and settings files in your Documents folder.

Sept 18th, 2019 – Newer version of LiveBible 1.10.

May 15th, 2019 – Early release of LiveBible – a study Bible created with LiveCode. There will be Linux and Macintosh versions soon. Original, smaller version of LiveBible.

Nov 29th, 2018 – Initial release of Quick BIBLE – a test of the Rebol scripting language.

(12/16/18) A new installer for InfoWarp multi-purpose Launcher is available which is less bothersome to antivirus software. infowarp-setup2

(12/16/18) updated 3.14 Ready Bible Study with a new installer. ReadyBibleSetup2

(03/31/18) added v0.93 of Take A Break Take-A-Break

(06/30/18) updated v1.15 of Relevant Notes Relevant Notes

v1.57 Constant Info Constant Info Pro

v1.41 Constant WORD Constant WORD

v1.11 Bible Promises Bible Promises

1.32 Password Helper Password Helper

(03/31/18) updated 1.22 Simple Reminders Simple Reminders

(06/30/18) updated v1.36 Multi-Launcher program Multi-Launcher

Get Exercise getexercise

updated 1.44 Memory Hogs memoryhogs

Stickies Diary Assistant stickiesdiary

updated 1.29 Click Eye Reminder Click Eye Reminder

These two utilities were written at home then later used at work. Documentation is included in the zip files. If you are interested in the AutoIT source code, please contact me.

Hung Process Monitoring and Logging process-monitor

Windows / User Activity Logging windows-logger

Click below for information on this free book.

A free book on programming.
